Goodbye newsletter - hello speaker activities!

Around the end of the year we typically adjust our products to our transforming customer needs. We restructure and refocus. This has an impact on the words I am writing here since this will be our last newsletter article for some time.

In 2020-2022 Covid and its consequences for remote leadership were one of the biggest challenges for teams out there. Since 2023 the teams gradually changed to hybrid setups (what can mean many things…) These new challenges demand new solutions.

We are going to refocus our resources - away from online marketing and blogging more towards speaker activities at exhibitions (check out L&D pro online conference on March 19th). In 2025 we will head out from our beloved home market Europe and especially Germany and direct our attention a bit more towards the US.

We will combine our AI Chatbot, Knowledgebase, Leadership Framework, Workshop Series online Whiteboards and Membership into one concept that companies can buy all at once.
Supporting internal and external coaches by giving them all our proven resources to support more teams successfully and more easily. Cooperations with well known New Work frontiers are in the pipeline.

In case you haven‘t been working with us so far (or you have) feel free to join one of our free webinars or reach out to us. We are happy to get in touch with you.

We hope you are heading into 2025 with the same amount of ideas, goals and motivation as we are. Wishing you einen „guten Rutsch“ and a happy 2025


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