Are you actively building resilience in your team?

The 2024 LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report highlights the crucial need for agility and resilience in today's rapidly changing work environment. It emphasizes the importance of empowering employees through continuous skill-building to drive innovation and adaptability.

By doing this, organizations foster a flexible and adaptive workforce, which in turn drives innovation and growth. This proactive approach helps companies remain competitive and thrive even in the face of uncertainty.

The report draws insights from a global study involving over 1,500 L&D professionals and 700 learners, alongside data from LinkedIn’s platform.

Here are 3 steps:

Review the LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report:You want to dig deeper into the LinkedIn report? Here you go:

Assess and Strengthen Team Resilience: Evaluate how actively your team is building resilience. Identify opportunities for skill-building and create initiatives...

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Entrepreneurial Mindset and Entrepreneurial Skills - what’s meant by that?

The topic came up again recently in one of our workshops: We need to think entrepreneurially! Colleagues should be more entrepreneurial. And then everyone nodded their heads and said: “Yes, that makes sense”. But what does that actually mean in everyday life? And how do I become an “entrepreneur”? After all, this is where three very highly chunked, undefined nouns come together: Skills, Mindset, Entrepreneur. In our organizations we first should clarify what we actually expect from each other...

Let's ask our own Digital Leader Program MyGPT version: An entrepreneurial mindset describes the ability to think and act entrepreneurially. Individuals with this mindset tend to be proactive, creative and risk-taking. They see opportunities in challenges and strive for continuous improvement and innovation. Core elements of the entrepreneurial mindset:

  •  Proactivity: Employees are encouraged to take initiative and work independently. This means that they do not...
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4 steps to foster more effective communication in your team

In our increasingly interconnected world, effective communication is more than just exchanging information; it's about understanding the nuanced ways in which people express themselves. Two pivotal concepts in this realm are low-context and high-context communication. 

If we would be effective robots we could basically only use low-context communication:
It’s direct, clear, and relies heavily on explicit verbal messages. Countries like the United States, Germany, and Scandinavia often favor this communication style. Here, the value is placed on precise words and directness. Texts, emails, or any form of written communication is preferred to convey messages accurately, leaving little room for interpretation. If you would ask to make a portrait of someone you’ll most likely get the left version of our picture.

People communicating like that can cut all the social “bullshit” and could appear super rude in some situations. If you want ChatGPT to give you the...

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