The ROI of leadership development

What do you think is the impact of leadership development in your organization or industry?

A Remarkable ROI of $7 for every $1 spent one of the standout findings from the 2023 study by BetterManager is the return on investment (ROI) that accompanies corporate leadership development programs. This substantial ROI highlights leadership development as a strategic investment with the potential to significantly impact a company's bottom line.

So what influences of leadership development affects your ROI?

  • Direct Revenue Growth: Leadership development equips you with the skills to make strategic decisions, optimize operations, and enhance sales techniques. These improvements directly translate to increased revenue for your organization.
  • Cost Savings: Your effective leadership can minimize operational inefficiencies and reduce errors, leading to significant cost savings.
  • Employee Retention: As a well-trained leader, you can create a positive work environment, leading to higher employee...
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4 steps to foster more effective communication in your team

In our increasingly interconnected world, effective communication is more than just exchanging information; it's about understanding the nuanced ways in which people express themselves. Two pivotal concepts in this realm are low-context and high-context communication. 

If we would be effective robots we could basically only use low-context communication:
It’s direct, clear, and relies heavily on explicit verbal messages. Countries like the United States, Germany, and Scandinavia often favor this communication style. Here, the value is placed on precise words and directness. Texts, emails, or any form of written communication is preferred to convey messages accurately, leaving little room for interpretation. If you would ask to make a portrait of someone you’ll most likely get the left version of our picture.

People communicating like that can cut all the social “bullshit” and could appear super rude in some situations. If you want ChatGPT to give you the...

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Wie werde ich Digital Leader:in?

digital leadership Jun 19, 2023

Leader:innen Frage: Kennst du deine Schritte zum Digital Leadership?

Erinnert ihr euch an unseren Formel-1-Wagen mit dem vollen Tank und der Boxenstopp Flatrate?

Das klingt erstmal mega, aber auf den zweiten Blick auch irgendwie „restless“. Genauso sieht es mit der aktuell schnell voranschreitenden Digitalisierung aus. Durch die neuen Möglichkeiten, die uns digitale Technologien bringen, liegt es an den Leadern von heute, die Digitalisierung richtig zu nutzen.

Vielleicht hast du auch das Gefühl, dass dir das alles zu schnell geht und du dich fragst: Wie kann ich adaptieren? Wie schaffe ich es, den schnellen Wagen zu manövrieren? Wir zeigen dir, welche Gänge du einlegen kannst, um zum Digital Leader zu werden.

Kurz vorweg: keine Panik auf der Titanic, es ist alles erlernbar und bedarf vor allem dein offenes Mindset! Ready?

1. Gang - Informiere dich über Trends digitale Technologien und Innovationen. Halte dich über aktuelle...

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