HR managers and leaders wanted

Hi everyone!

I am looking for your help. I am preparing a presentation about the evolution, challenges and benefits of hybrid work and solutions to reduce costs and get to more productivity in hybrid working environments and I need your feedback please.

You’ll benefit from my insights of 20 years experience in hybrid work environments and hundreds of workshops with hybrid working teams from different industries reflecting on questions like:

  •  How can I reduce costs by lowering employee turnover?
  •  Why are self-management, communication and entrepreneurial skills so important for employee happiness and productivity?
  •  What should I have in mind setting up a sustainable hybrid team culture?
  •  Why is it elementary to choose the right people and train them properly?
  •  What are concrete next steps to bring your team / organization to the next level?

I am looking forward to hearing from you - please DM me via LinkedIn and we set up a call.

Have a great start...

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It’s a classic real life challenge coming out of our workshops: You are part of a team becoming their manager (maybe even overnight) suddenly being in a completely different role with different benefits, challenges and implications.

Suddenly all the things you always wanted to change are in your hands. Your former worries as a team mate are yours now. You are suddenly your colleagues superior. Some of the individual habits that weren’t really your problem before are now maybe an issue.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s exciting and great that you’ll be able to change things and take responsibility now. But still: clear and transparent communication is crucial if you want to stay in a good personal relationship and be a good and fair manager. Here is what you should have in mind navigating the transition, because the shift in dynamics can introduce complexities. But with the right strategies, you can navigate this transition smoothly and successfully.


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6 steps to facilitate your own hybrid culture workshop

To optimize our customers' hybrid collaboration we are more and more using Gustavo Razzetti's Culture Design Canvas. Let me share a little about that powerful tool that we are often using as a template to help teams and leaders develop a cohesive and vibrant workplace culture.

Here’s a closer look at what this tool entails and how you as a leader can effectively utilize it in a workshop setting:
The Culture Design Canvas is a strategic framework created by Gustavo Razzetti, aimed at helping organizations visualize, design, and implement their culture. It comprises various elements such as purpose, values, behaviors, rituals, and more. By addressing these factors systematically, teams can forge a unified culture that drives both engagement and performance.

In case you want to facilitate a workshop yourself you can download the canvas at and follow the following steps to make a workshop out of it:

  1. Introduction: Begin by explaining the...
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Break the silence in (remote) meetings!

You do a product or strategy workshop and your teammates aren’t sharing their thoughts?

You try to coach more and ask more questions and you’re wondering why your colleagues are not responding as engaged as they should or could?!
Well, maybe you’ll need to reflect your expectations and change your communication culture a bit (and don’t expect that it’ll be done overnight).

Many managers we are working with blame their colleagues being too “introvert” or “shy”. But what do those two words really mean and are they really appropriate?

The oxford dictionary defines being shy as nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people. An introvert is: a quiet person who is more interested in their own thoughts and feelings than in spending time with other people. Some also say that introverts recharge their batteries on their own while extroverts do in company. So reserved behaviour doesnt necessarily mean your team is not...

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Less blah blah, more impact

Dear managers and specialists out there, please learn to get to the point - stop wasting others time and motivation. I’ll try it as well! :)

Think about that person in a meeting that always talks too much. The one that always needs to share another story aaand another story, filling every inch with filling words so nobody can interrupt their thinking flow…. Is it you? Or is it someone on your team?

I confess, I used to be that person - a communication mess, drowning in a sea of words without a clear direction. A member of my family is communicating like that and I copied it growing up. I talked a lot but failed to get to the point, often succumbing to the trap of excessive chatter. And the worst was - I even had a thinking process like that!
Fortunately my communication trainer mentors Chris Mulzer and Christian Pessing then pulled the plug in my twenties.

Here's the issue: Many of us often let discussions repeat, failing to get straight to the point. On a rational level,...

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Als Führungskraft lernen NEIN zu sagen

communication leadership May 11, 2021

In jedem Ja, steckt auch ein Nein - Du hast 24h am Tag und die verbringst Du mit tausendenen von Entscheidungen (häufig unbewusst).

Wenn ich JA zu der Aufgabe sage, die mir mein Chef gerade auf den Tisch wirft, muss ich evtl. NEIN zu den Dingen sagen, die ich mir eigentlich für heute vorgenommen hatte - NEIN zum Feierabend?

Besonders in Unternehmenskulturen, die durch Zielvorgaben und Autonomie geprägt sind, gilt es, Entscheidungshilfen zu geben.

Gerade juniore Mitarbeiter denken häufig, sie müssten alles machen, was Ihr Vorgesetzter ihnen sagt und in multikulturellen Teams wird es spannend, da Obrigkeitshörigkeit und Konflikte mit den Vorgesetzten kulturell unterschiedlich gelebt werden.

Erfolgreiche Leader haben für sich einen Weg gefunden, (im richtigen Ton) Aufgaben von sich fern zu halten und Grenzen zu setzen.

Lerne, auf Deine Intuition zu hören - häufig, sagt uns unser Bauchgefühl, was die richtige Entscheidung ist. Als...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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