It’s a classic real life challenge coming out of our workshops: You are part of a team becoming their manager (maybe even overnight) suddenly being in a completely different role with different benefits, challenges and implications.

Suddenly all the things you always wanted to change are in your hands. Your former worries as a team mate are yours now. You are suddenly your colleagues superior. Some of the individual habits that weren’t really your problem before are now maybe an issue.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s exciting and great that you’ll be able to change things and take responsibility now. But still: clear and transparent communication is crucial if you want to stay in a good personal relationship and be a good and fair manager. Here is what you should have in mind navigating the transition, because the shift in dynamics can introduce complexities. But with the right strategies, you can navigate this transition smoothly and successfully.


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Recognize inhibiting beliefs and overwrite them

The start of a new year has a symbolic meaning as a time of new beginnings and renewal. Many people often see the turn of the year as an opportunity to work on their goals with renewed energy and motivation.

So, following on from our theme from the last post, we're going to delve deeper into the distinction between an enabling belief and an inhibiting belief. 
Distinguishing between an empowering and an inhibiting belief often requires careful self-reflection.
Inhibiting beliefs can make you anxious, insecure or demotivated. They can cause you to withdraw, avoid risks or limit yourself. 

It's perfectly okay to have limiting beliefs. But if you want to develop yourself further, we will show you what you can do if you want to change a belief:
Create awareness - Take time to identify your beliefs. In the previous post, we described a few tips on how this can work.
Question your beliefs - Is that really the case? Really always? Really everyone? 
Formulate empowering beliefs -...

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To change a certain behavior - Act on it!

Do you know the feeling of no longer wanting to do a certain behavior or wanting to do something more strongly?
I for example never really enjoyed reading, it was more like a task on my to-do-list.
In a rad turnaround, not a bookworm till now, I decided to flip the script and dive into the bookish adventure. The simple choice to kick off a book club with a friend of mine made reading more easy for me. So i changed my perspective by creating a frame of joy.

This is shouting at us: Change starts when you take a look at your habits and think of ways to make it easier for you to change your behavior.
We all have unpleasant tasks and challenging situations. But we can create a framework that makes it more pleasant for us to act on it.

For example:
- Put on music you like
- Do it together
- Prepare your favourite drink before you start
- Reward yourself with a task you like

Did you hear about the "Future Pace"-Method?
This technique is from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) used to mentally...

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