5 Essential moderation skills for modern leads

Future oriented leads need moderation skills to get more out of their teams and themselves by supporting an autonomous working style.
If you learn how to moderate your meetings and workshops better you will be able to:
- get better and more ideas
- gain more trust between your teammates
- reach more commitment and motivation
- get more “we-feelings” and by that psychological safety
- support individual growth
- establish better decision making processes (where you don’t need to be a part of anymore)

The more autonomy an individual in a team is supposed to have, the clearer the goals, rules, values, own motivation and self-responsibility should be.
We need to make sure that we have everyone on board and on the same page. Having the feeling of being part of the team and being heard. Therefore it’s important that leads learn to create situations where the team takes the stage, has time to work together in a structured way and feels comfortable and guided to shape their...

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Break the silence in (remote) meetings!

You do a product or strategy workshop and your teammates aren’t sharing their thoughts?

You try to coach more and ask more questions and you’re wondering why your colleagues are not responding as engaged as they should or could?!
Well, maybe you’ll need to reflect your expectations and change your communication culture a bit (and don’t expect that it’ll be done overnight).

Many managers we are working with blame their colleagues being too “introvert” or “shy”. But what do those two words really mean and are they really appropriate?

The oxford dictionary defines being shy as nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people. An introvert is: a quiet person who is more interested in their own thoughts and feelings than in spending time with other people. Some also say that introverts recharge their batteries on their own while extroverts do in company. So reserved behaviour doesnt necessarily mean your team is not...

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Fragen zum Meetingeinstieg als Führungskraft

Sodass du und dein Gegenüber sich in einem Meeting aufeinander einstellen könnt, ist es wichtig Rapport aufzubauen. Das bedeutet eine Verbindung zwischen zwei Menschen, die auf wechselseitiger wertschätzender Aufmerksamkeit basiert. 

Rapport kannst du durch interessiertes Fragen aufbauen und noch dazu etwas über dein Gegenüber erfahren. 

Diese Fragen nutzen wir bei internen Meetings gerne.


Wofür bist du heute dankbar? 

Hier geht es darum sich positive Gedanken hervorzurufen, um eine gute Grundstimmung in das Meeting zu bringen.


Auf was bist du heute besonders stolz? 


Was war dein persönliches Highlight diese Woche? 


Wann hast du das letzte mal richtig herzlich gelacht und worüber? 


Was ist dir diese Woche richtig gut gelungen?

Viel Spaß beim Ausprobieren. 



In order for you and your counterpart to be able to adjust to each other in a meeting, it is...

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