Break the silence in (remote) meetings!

You do a product or strategy workshop and your teammates aren’t sharing their thoughts?

You try to coach more and ask more questions and you’re wondering why your colleagues are not responding as engaged as they should or could?!
Well, maybe you’ll need to reflect your expectations and change your communication culture a bit (and don’t expect that it’ll be done overnight).

Many managers we are working with blame their colleagues being too “introvert” or “shy”. But what do those two words really mean and are they really appropriate?

The oxford dictionary defines being shy as nervous or embarrassed about meeting and speaking to other people. An introvert is: a quiet person who is more interested in their own thoughts and feelings than in spending time with other people. Some also say that introverts recharge their batteries on their own while extroverts do in company. So reserved behaviour doesnt necessarily mean your team is not...

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Less blah blah, more impact

Dear managers and specialists out there, please learn to get to the point - stop wasting others time and motivation. I’ll try it as well! :)

Think about that person in a meeting that always talks too much. The one that always needs to share another story aaand another story, filling every inch with filling words so nobody can interrupt their thinking flow…. Is it you? Or is it someone on your team?

I confess, I used to be that person - a communication mess, drowning in a sea of words without a clear direction. A member of my family is communicating like that and I copied it growing up. I talked a lot but failed to get to the point, often succumbing to the trap of excessive chatter. And the worst was - I even had a thinking process like that!
Fortunately my communication trainer mentors Chris Mulzer and Christian Pessing then pulled the plug in my twenties.

Here's the issue: Many of us often let discussions repeat, failing to get straight to the point. On a rational level,...

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To change a certain behavior - Act on it!

Do you know the feeling of no longer wanting to do a certain behavior or wanting to do something more strongly?
I for example never really enjoyed reading, it was more like a task on my to-do-list.
In a rad turnaround, not a bookworm till now, I decided to flip the script and dive into the bookish adventure. The simple choice to kick off a book club with a friend of mine made reading more easy for me. So i changed my perspective by creating a frame of joy.

This is shouting at us: Change starts when you take a look at your habits and think of ways to make it easier for you to change your behavior.
We all have unpleasant tasks and challenging situations. But we can create a framework that makes it more pleasant for us to act on it.

For example:
- Put on music you like
- Do it together
- Prepare your favourite drink before you start
- Reward yourself with a task you like

Did you hear about the "Future Pace"-Method?
This technique is from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) used to mentally...

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