Less blah blah, more impact

Dear managers and specialists out there, please learn to get to the point - stop wasting others time and motivation. I’ll try it as well! :)

Think about that person in a meeting that always talks too much. The one that always needs to share another story aaand another story, filling every inch with filling words so nobody can interrupt their thinking flow…. Is it you? Or is it someone on your team?

I confess, I used to be that person - a communication mess, drowning in a sea of words without a clear direction. A member of my family is communicating like that and I copied it growing up. I talked a lot but failed to get to the point, often succumbing to the trap of excessive chatter. And the worst was - I even had a thinking process like that!
Fortunately my communication trainer mentors Chris Mulzer and Christian Pessing then pulled the plug in my twenties.

Here's the issue: Many of us often let discussions repeat, failing to get straight to the point. On a rational level,...

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