It’s a classic real life challenge coming out of our workshops: You are part of a team becoming their manager (maybe even overnight) suddenly being in a completely different role with different benefits, challenges and implications.

Suddenly all the things you always wanted to change are in your hands. Your former worries as a team mate are yours now. You are suddenly your colleagues superior. Some of the individual habits that weren’t really your problem before are now maybe an issue.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s exciting and great that you’ll be able to change things and take responsibility now. But still: clear and transparent communication is crucial if you want to stay in a good personal relationship and be a good and fair manager. Here is what you should have in mind navigating the transition, because the shift in dynamics can introduce complexities. But with the right strategies, you can navigate this transition smoothly and successfully.


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6 steps to facilitate your own hybrid culture workshop

To optimize our customers' hybrid collaboration we are more and more using Gustavo Razzetti's Culture Design Canvas. Let me share a little about that powerful tool that we are often using as a template to help teams and leaders develop a cohesive and vibrant workplace culture.

Here’s a closer look at what this tool entails and how you as a leader can effectively utilize it in a workshop setting:
The Culture Design Canvas is a strategic framework created by Gustavo Razzetti, aimed at helping organizations visualize, design, and implement their culture. It comprises various elements such as purpose, values, behaviors, rituals, and more. By addressing these factors systematically, teams can forge a unified culture that drives both engagement and performance.

In case you want to facilitate a workshop yourself you can download the canvas at and follow the following steps to make a workshop out of it:

  1. Introduction: Begin by explaining the...
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5 Essential moderation skills for modern leads

Future oriented leads need moderation skills to get more out of their teams and themselves by supporting an autonomous working style.
If you learn how to moderate your meetings and workshops better you will be able to:
- get better and more ideas
- gain more trust between your teammates
- reach more commitment and motivation
- get more “we-feelings” and by that psychological safety
- support individual growth
- establish better decision making processes (where you don’t need to be a part of anymore)

The more autonomy an individual in a team is supposed to have, the clearer the goals, rules, values, own motivation and self-responsibility should be.
We need to make sure that we have everyone on board and on the same page. Having the feeling of being part of the team and being heard. Therefore it’s important that leads learn to create situations where the team takes the stage, has time to work together in a structured way and feels comfortable and guided to shape their...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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