HR managers and leaders wanted

Hi everyone!

I am looking for your help. I am preparing a presentation about the evolution, challenges and benefits of hybrid work and solutions to reduce costs and get to more productivity in hybrid working environments and I need your feedback please.

You’ll benefit from my insights of 20 years experience in hybrid work environments and hundreds of workshops with hybrid working teams from different industries reflecting on questions like:

  •  How can I reduce costs by lowering employee turnover?
  •  Why are self-management, communication and entrepreneurial skills so important for employee happiness and productivity?
  •  What should I have in mind setting up a sustainable hybrid team culture?
  •  Why is it elementary to choose the right people and train them properly?
  •  What are concrete next steps to bring your team / organization to the next level?

I am looking forward to hearing from you - please DM me via LinkedIn and we set up a call.

Have a great start...

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