Becoming a Linkedin Top Voice / sawing off the branch I am sitting on

 In German there is a saying “den Ast absägen auf dem man sitzt” - if you translate it directly it’s like: Sawing of the branch you are sitting on. Right now I have the feeling that I am doing so and that’s a bit of a dilemma.

I decided to contribute to LinkedIns knowledge community. It’s definitely worth checking out: ( It’s basically a business knowledge “best of” that is written by AI and optimized by comments from LinkedIn human experts like me.
Hereby I can show my know-how, publish easily without the need to write complete articles and I can become a top voice in my field of expertise. Besides being positively labeled, the comments I am writing are helping me to develop and think about angles to tackle a problem that no one came up with so far - which is great. I also think that other experts are writing really good and read-worthy stuff.

BUT somehow I have the feeling that the community's knowledge is used to feed the big AI machine (LinkedIn belongs to Microsoft and they are connected to ChatGPT for example). I fear that the AI will at some point overtake my job :/

Right now I do basically give away my valuable, partly unique knowledge to stay competitive while killing the future reason for my services to exist. And what do I do? I continue…  :)

Let me know what your opinion on that is - am I being paranoid? Will you let your human self and your team be coached by a non-human AI at some point? Will you trust the machine to have a good intention in working with you? Can you have that with human experts?


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